Narek Arzumanyan was born in 1988, in Yerevan, Armenia. He graduated from Yerevan State College of Fine Arts after P. Terlemezyan in 2008 and studied in State Academy of Fine Arts betwen 2009 and 2011. He opened his first exhibition in the Artists’ Union of Armenia, in 2009. Since 2011 he lives in Nuremberg, Germany.
Arzumanyan belongs to the rear “cohort” of artists, who may be called artists for artists. His art is so deeply experience-based and intense in its primordial savagery that only the professional look may feel and discern the master of composition and art prodigy. It’s enough for a sophisticated spectator to look at his multiple realistic, anatomically accurate caricatures and brilliant cartoons drawn with ink, brush, pen or marker. The quality of these sketches demonstrates the exceptional artistic skills and mastery, which is, as a rule, achieved through years of learning arts and crafts. Attention should be drawn on the artist’s natural sense of line, proportion and composition, abilities similar to the innate sense of color or absolute pitch. This is vividly seen from the sketchbooks, albums of the artist preserved from his childhood.
As the painter confessed, he had never been fond of the “classical, realistic approach to the art”. His tendency towards expressive imagery and grotesque transformation of depicted objects is apparent already in his student works. During this period the paintings and drawings of Honoré Daumier became the source of inspiration for most of Arzumanyan’s student works. Later he discovered the art of Francis Bacon. As it turned out, the theme of physical and spiritual suffering, loss, death, despair were very close to Arzumanyan’s heart and subsequently became the leitmotif of his art. These themes resonated with the personal problems of the painter: non-admission of his artistic vision of the world, complicated relations in the family, health problems.
Ever since his study in the art school Arzumanyan showed a strong interest in self-portrait. Since then, this interest only increased and proneness to introspection became one of the key themes in the artwork of the painter.
In the pastel works of the artist the painting style changes drastically. If during the years spent in the art college and the Academy he was strongly influenced by Francis Bacon, in Germany the painter comes to a new formal interpretation of images. The attitude towards composition is also reviewed. The interest towards the three-dimensional form is neutralized, the spatial and volumetric interpretation of a picture plane changes. Even in his early works the painter was not very interested in linear-aerial perspectives, and already in Germany his compositions become explicitly plane. The primary nature of artistic image, its personal, deep meaning is highlighted. This is also facilitated by the choice of material - oil pastels. Energetic, uncompromising strokes of compressed pigment, in some places delicate shading of shapes give the works incredible strength.
Vampir / Vampire, 2024
Korkunun Rengi / Farbe des Angst (Color of Fear), 2023
Doğa Katili / Naturemörder, 2023
Ölüm Çocuğunun Kayıp Oyuncakları / Lost Toys of Death Boy, 2023
Hoşça kal / Goodbye, 2022
Bir Tepedeki Kurban / Sacrifice in A Hill, 2021
Plaka / Autokennzeichen, 2021
Japonya'da Sonbahar / Fall in Japan, 2021
Leize, 2020
Mağlup Dino / Loser Dino, 2020
Zinnik, 2020
Dev İlaç / Giant Drug, 2019
Drostibor, 2018
Eski Sebepler / Old Motives, 2018
İş Başında / At Work, 2015
Ölü Gürcü Çocuğu / Dead Georgian Boy, 2014
Çakal / Coyote, 2014
Ölü Sovyet Suç Serisi - 1 / Dead Soviet Crime Series - 1, 2014
Ölü Sovyet Suç Serisi - 3 / Dead Soviet Crime Series - 3, 2014
Ağlayan Suçlu / A Crying Criminal, 2014
Kurt Ağzının İçi / Inside Wolf's Mouth, 2014
Mezardaki İsa / Jesus in Grave, 2014
Petrus, 2014
Babamın Berg'deki Evi / My Father's House in Berg, 2014
MG ve İsa Odada / MG and Jesus in Room, 2014
Suçlu / The Criminal, 2014
Ölü Kurt / The Dead Wolf, 2014
Nürnberg'de Yürüyüş / Walking in Nurnberg, 2014
Body & Beyond
Galeri 77 8 Aug - 7 Sep 2024In its newest group exhibition Galeri 77 brings together 18 artists, creating a captivating journey through the world of figurative art. Bringing together unique perspectives, this selection offers art lovers...Read more -
Laugh Yourself Off
The Stay Boulevard Nişantaşı 1 Feb - 5 Apr 2024In the third installment of the “Galeri 77 Shows” project, which includes all exhibitions that take place outside its own gallery space, Galeri 77 brings together the works of five...Read more -
Collectively Disconnected
Galeri 77 30 Nov - 31 Dec 2023Galeri 77 is hosting the exhibition “Collectively Disconnected' between November 30th and December 31st, which brings together the colorful and striking works of four young artists from the same generation....Read more -
Infinite Loop
La Casa Dell'arte, Bodrum 6 Sep - 8 Oct 2023Galeri 77 presents the exhibition named Infinite Loop , the second exhibition of the “Galeri 77 Shows” project that is started with the goal to bring represented artist to wider...Read more
Contemporary Istanbul 2024
19th Edition 23 - 27 Oct 2024Galeri 77 brings together works from 28 artists, both local and international, encompassing various styles such as expressionism, surrealism, neo-pop art, experimental art, photorealism, abstract,...Read more -
CI Bloom 2024
3RD EDITION 25 - 28 Apr 2024Galleri 77 is thrilled to announce its participation in the 2024 edition of CI Bloom. Join us at booth LK-29 for an exquisite presentation of...Read more -
Contemporary Istanbul 2023
18th Edition 26 Sep - 1 Oct 2023Galeri 77 is taking place in Contemporary Istanbul with a very special selection gathering the artworks produced in a wide spectrum ranging from expressionism to...Read more -
CI Bloom 2023
2nd Edition 31 May - 4 Jun 2023Galeri 77 is at CI Bloom with a very special selection of a wide range of works brought together by 25 artists it represents, both...Read more